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Hindi-English > जहाँ तक उनकी बात है

जहाँ तक उनकी बात है in English

pronunciation: [ jaham tak unaki bat hai ]  sound:  
for their part
जहाँ    where whither
जहाँ तक    insofar as qua so far as as near as quoad
तक    as far as insofar that so far as till up unto
उनकी    he she them their theirs
बात    business speech talk words something said Word
है    avoir is have

What is the meaning of जहाँ तक उनकी बात है in English and how to say jaham tak unaki bat hai in English? जहाँ तक उनकी बात है English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.